Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Whats Right for Aunt Sally Might Not be Right for You

Hot Tub Wiring45647 Car Insurance Brokers41329 have ever been Adoption Agency San Antonio99997 hard times (haven't we all), Front Yard Landscaping Picture5172 were probably given advice by so many different people. For many life situations, there often seems to be as many opinions as people giving advice!

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Fitness Car Cheap In Insurance Michigan40172 nutrition are no exceptions. Take any cross section of people, say 100, and ask their opinion on Teeth Whitening Light16787 particular fitness idea, and you will probably Tiger River Hot Tub Parts37423 100 different opinions. This is the dilemma I see often with clients. Many, before I see them, have spent a period of time "trying out" this Wedding Gloves72994 or California Car Geico Insurance10006 workout plan because it worked for their friend or their sister gave it to them and so on.

My favorite example of this is my last long term partner (spouse) used to be asked for fitness advice because he was fit and married to a fitness instructor! He had some good ideas. He knew what worked. for HIM.

What works for one person may not work for another. Why? Physiologically, the science is pretty much the same. For optimum fitness and health, we all need a combination of resistance exercise (muscles and bones), aerobic exercise (cardiovascular, lungs), stretching (joint health) good nutrition (fuel) and enough sleep Hazards Of Teeth Whitening Products51 The trick of all this is the how to get these things and Artificial Landscaping Aspen Trees168 it.because enjoyment leads to motivation.

Let's say that Aunt Sally walks with a group 4miles, 3 times per Plus Size Wedding Dresses12465 She eats a healthy Wedding Shower Favor39830 of lean protein, veggies and fruit and goes to yoga class 2 times per week. She loves her "program" which works for her because Car Insurance Agent94226 loves it. Aunt Sally gets a lot of social time from her workouts, which keeps her going. The time she spends is more valuable to her than just fitness. She rarely misses her sessions.

Aunt Sally eventually convinces her niece Elizabeth, Architect Kitchen Aid Ice98397 thinks fitness is a necessary evil, to join her. Elizabeth begins with enthusiasm, but after a month she doesn't feel Wedding Disc Jockeys45834 she is getting results and starts missing sessions. Why?

If we asked Elizabeth, she would probably say that fitness is "just not her thing and she doesn't enjoy it". But, maybe Elizabeth hasn't found the activities that give her what she really needs beyond fitness. In this case, Aunt Sally meant well, but her "mentoring" was actually counterproductive to Elizabeth's fitness success. Elizabeth has now reinforced her feeling that she doesn't like physical activity.

The same thing holds with "diets" (I personally don't like the term). Let's bring up Aunt Sally again. One day Elizabeth who now thinks that a diet is what she needs since exercise is out, asks Aunt Sally if she could help her lose weight with a diet. Aunt Sally gives her the diet book that got her started on the road to healthy eating.

When Aunt Sally read the book, she knew that the diet was very strict with types of food and timing of meals. For her, it was great to have a Office Furniture Receptionist Desk304 to follow. It was all so organized, as she liked all things in her life.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, tried to follow the diet exactly as recommended. Within a few days, she was very frustrated because she felt that dieting is just too difficult and inflexible. She decided that dieting doesn't work and she just needs to "cut way back" on the amount of food she was eating. This is good except that most of the food she is eating is nutritionally empty to begin with! Now she's hungry and inadequately nourished.

Elizabeth would be better served by learning about and following sound nutritional principles rather than following a Gestational Diabetes Nutritioncnziaxr diet plan. It's just not her style.

Are you having trouble starting or sticking with your fitness plan? Here's an approach to get you thinking.

1. Look inside.

What drives you? What makes you happy? Why do you want to be fit? Why do you want to eat right? What activities do you enjoy doing (both physical activities and other hobbies)? Are you a social person or do you prefer to be alone? What are the limiting factors in your lifestyle? How much time do you want to devote to fitness? What type of job do you have? Do you like changing your activities often or do you prefer a more predictable routine?

2. Look outside.

What resources are available? Do you have sports activities you might enjoy available? Is there a gym close by? Is there a dance studio close by? Are there organized events like fun runs you could train for? Morins Landscaping50249 you find books on the subject of fitness and nutrition? Do you know any fitness trainers or coaches?

3. Put it together.

A good fitness plan includes the elements of: muscle Last Minute Airfare Bargain79288 joint flexibility, aerobic (heart, lungs) training, sound nutrition and rest. So, pick out the activities available to you that you like and see if the combination gives you all the elements in this list.

Elizabeth, when she goes through this process, is surprised to figure out that there are some fitness activities available she would enjoy. She knows she is social, wants to keep generally fit and healthy, has time after work, needs organized activities and likes variety (why Aunt Sally's program didn't appeal to her)

Elizabeth's program looks like this: 1 day per week, join a football (soccer) league (aerobic) 1 day per week, yoga class or Tai Chi (flexibility, muscle, mental focus) 1 day per week salsa dancing class (aerobic) 1 day weight training (muscle) Some weeks: social dancing on the weekends (aerobic, relaxation)

She's got a good plan.. FOR HER!

Copyright (c) 2006 Ainsley Laing

Ainsley Laing, MSc. has been a Fitness Trainer for 25 years and writes exclusively Body for Mind eZine. She holds certifications in Group Exercise, Sports Nutrition and Personal Fitness Training. To see more articles by Ainsley visit

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making Money Online: Facts, Myths, and Lies

People are flocking to the internet by the millions, seeking a way to make money online. Some are only looking to make extra money to help pay bills, provide for their childrens college, or supplement their retirement. Many are seeking to make enough money to quit their job and make a fulltime living from home.

While all these goals are certainly achievable online, you need to know the facts about making money online. Without knowing the facts, you will be victim to the myths and lies that are prevalent in this industry.

The Facts:

If you are new to internet marketing, full of hope and excitement, you may not want to hear this, but 95% of all internet marketers fail. Is it really that hard to make money online? No, but its not that easy either. The good news is that you can be part of the 5% that are successful.

But you need to know why 95% fail, and more importantly, you need to know what the other 5% do differently to succeed.

So why do 95% fail? Well, there are many reasons people fail online, but here are the top 3 in my mind:

Ignorance: People simply have no clue how to make money online. There is a huge learning curve in this industry.

Can you imagine what would happen if hospitals recruited surgeons off the street without experience? What would the mortality rate be? At least 95%! Starting an online business without knowing what you are doing is the same thing. Ok, so nobody looses their life from a failed business. But you could easily loose your life savings. You should make educating yourself in this industry one of your top priorities.

Lack of Driving Desire: Many people dream of the financial freedom they can have through their own online business.

But few are ready to make the commitment necessary to realize their dream. This business takes work. It is an emotional rollercoaster full of ups and downs. If you dont have a real burning desire to drive you through the obstacles and challenges, you will not make it. Rate your desire to succeed from 1 to 10. If youre not at least an 11, forget it.

Now Im not trying to frighten you out of your dream, but you need to be honest with yourself. This is a great business. It not only rewards you with financial freedom, it really develops you personally as well. The best reward this business gives is the person you become in the process.

But you have got to want it so badly that you will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Disillusionment: People fail when their unrealistic expectations are not met. They become disillusioned and quit. In fact, the only way you will ultimately fail is to quit.

As long as you keep learning and applying what you learn, you can ultimately succeed. This is the key to success in any endeavor. But the minute you quit, you fail. So dont quit.

Now lets talk about what it takes to have a successful home business online?

Essentials for Success:

Education: I know I already mentioned this, but it is that important. Building an online business without knowing what you are doing is like performing surgery on yourself.

Youre going to get hurt. Im not saying you cant do anything until you learn everything. In fact, a big part of your ongoing education will come from doing.

Simply invest time and money in your education as you go.

If you are going to use traffic exchanges, learn about how to use them effectively. If you are setting up an auto responder, read what you can about auto responders and how to write an effective series. And if you are going to use Google AdWords, you had better learn how first.

Dont deprive your education because you dont want to pay for a book, course, guide, or whatever. If you learn just one thing from a course that helps make you money, then that one thing will be worth far more over time than the cost of the course. One of my favorite sayings goes, If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

Mindset: Your thoughts are real things, and they are powerful! But they can destroy you just as easily as they can serve you. Invest in a copy of Napoleon Hills best seller, Think and Grow Rich. Read it. Successful People are always reading.

You need to learn to control your thoughts and emotions in this business. You need to be positive. You will face many disappointments and challenges on the road to success. It really matters whether you believe you can succeed or not.

Because whichever way you believe, youre right.

Never blame someone else or some program for your lack of success. Take ownership of your success. Your success is entirely dependant upon you.

A Hot Product or Service: This may seem obvious, but if you are going to be successful, you need a product or service people actually want. It needs to be something of real value. Stay away from fads that only last a short while.

You dont need your own product or service. You can sell someone else as an affiliate. Or you can build a business reselling digital products. Whichever way you go, its important to due your due diligence. Research the demand for your product/service.

A Target Market: This goes hand in hand with a hot product/service. If there is a demand for what you are selling, then there is a market. But who is your market.

Who would want your product? It is important to identify or target your market as precisely as possible. Otherwise, you will waste valuable resources marketing to people with absolutely no interest in your product or service. Dont try to sell steak to a vegetarian.

Define your market by asking questions. Some questions to ask are: Whats their gender? How old are they? What do they do for a living? How much money do they make? Where in the world do they live? Define your customers as completely as you can.

Thats your target market.

An Effective Marketing System: Now that you have a hot product, and have identified your market, you need an effective means to bring the two together. Im not going into a discussion of all the different ways to market a product online, but I do think it is important to understand what an effective marketing system is, and how to develop one.

An effective marketing system is one that gives a reasonable return on investment (ROI). It not only needs to produce results, it needs to produce enough results to justify continuing with it. Also, your marketing has to be geared towards building your list of contacts. You will here a million times: the money is in the list. Building a list of contacts is not just important to your business; it is your business.

Set a marketing budget and stick to it. As you begin to make some profit, reinvest it into your business and increase your marketing efforts. Make a plan designed around your budget.

There are many free and paid ways to market. Decide on a mix that fits your budget.

Also, set a schedule and stick to it.

Setting a schedule with well defined tasks will help you to stay focused and increase your productivity. Don't over do it. You dont want to try and build Rome in a day. Dont neglect your home, while building your home business. Once you have your plan, work it consistently.

Domain Name and Hosting: Even if you are planning on selling someone elses product as an affiliate, you will want to invest in a domain name and hosting. Your domain is you own address (URL) on the internet. I recommend Their prices are very reasonable, and the service is excellent.

Once you have your domain, you will need to host it someplace.

I recommend using Host4Profit. They have excellent customer service, and an easy to use control panel, all at reasonable rates.

Now why would you need a domain and hosting if you are selling someone elses product? You will eventually want to use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. PPC search engines will not allow you to advertise someone elses site. You will need to set up a landing page that will send your visitors to your affiliate page.

You can also design and host splash pages for traffic exchanges.

You can set up email addresses on your domain, which will help give you a professional look.

Bottom line is, if you want to be successful online; you will eventually need your own website. For a great deal on your own website, click the link in the resource box at the bottom of this article.


Get Rich Quick: Many people think that they are going to get rich quick online. It takes the average person 3 to 4 years before they start to make any real money online.

Do you have to spend 3 to 4 years to make real money online?

No, you can do it much quicker if you know how. Its just that it takes the average person 3 to 4 years to learn how.

It also takes time to develope a large network of contacts and steady traffic to your website.

The simple truth is that building a long lasting, profitable business online takes time and effort.

You Have to be a Computer Geek: You dont have to be a computer geek.

However, you should have basic computer skills. I would also suggest investing a little time in learning HTML. What is HTML? HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language that browsers read.

Websites and many emails are written in HTML. You dont have to master HTML, but a basic understanding is very helpful.

You Have to Invest a lot of Money: You dont need a lot of money to get started. You do of course need a computer and an internet connection.

But beyond the hardware, you can start for next to nothing. However, to reach your goals you will need to invest more money.

The key is to focus on your plan and stay in your budget. Expand your budget as you begin to earn some money. Reinvest everything you earn at first. This way you can start a business on a shoestring budget and use your earnings to build it big.


Money Without Work: There is no such thing. Even a crook has to work to rob you. Heres a very true saying: The only place you can find money before work is in the dictionary. An honest business requires an honest effort.

Scams: There are all kinds of scams out there that prey upon the desperate, ignorant, and greedy. It is important to do the proper due diligence before joining any money making program or service. Here are a few tips to help you spot and avoid these internet lowlifes:

One thing that should get your B.S. alarm ringing is outrageous claims.

We all know that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Yet we still fall for wild promises. If someone tells you that for a price you can make $10,000 in a month, RUN. If they guarantee it, RUN FASTER. Evaluate claims with your own good sense, and dont let greed get the better of you.

Another sure sign of a scam is if there is no real product or service of value.

Whenever you talk about multi-level marketing, someone always asks the question: Isnt that a pyramid scheme? The truth is, almost all effective organizations, whether business or government, are pyramid shaped. This is so for the same reason wheels tend to be round. It really is the most efficient structure.

What makes a pyramid scheme a scam, is that there is nothing of real value flowing down the pyramid, only money flowing up. Everyone at the top makes money, everyone else pays for it. I only deal with programs that offer a product or service that I find valuable.

Check their customer service. Send an e-mail, or call them. If you get no response, run and never look back. Even if you get a response, what kind of response was it? Was it timely? Did it answer your question adequately, or did it just refer you to a FAQs page? The hallmark of an honest, well run business is great customer service.

Check their reputation. Check with the Better Business Bureau, and see if there have been any complaints filed against them. Also checkout what the forums have to say about them. You can do a search on the program to find posts that mention the program in question.

You need to use a little discernment here. Remember, 95% of all online marketers fail. They fail because of laziness or lack of knowledge. When they fail, many of them blame the program and blast it in the forums. So if one or two people cry scam, it may just be a case of sour grapes.

Well I hope this is of help to you in your quest for success. Remember, anyone can be successful online, if they will follow 8 simple rules:

1. Study to learn everything you can about this business.
2. Apply what you learn.
3. Set realistic long and short term goals.
4. Make a plan to achieve those goals.
5. Work hard towards executing your plan.
6. Stay positive.
7. Be consistent.
8. Dont Give Up.

See you on the beach!

Copyright © Douglas Canary

Doug Canary has been online since 2003. He is the webmaster of

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